Yesterday was a half day at school. YAY! For months we've had on our calendar to visit the Lewis Ginter Botanical garden's butterfly house and to watch "The flight of the Monarch" at the Virginia science museum on the big IMAX:))
It was the perfect day. It really was. The weather was glorious. The butterflies were active!!!
It's a little tricky snapping a picture of one in mid-flight. But I tried!
The butterfly house was like a tropical rain forest. It was all glassed in and they keep it misty. We were all SO hot and sweaty. I looked like I had just stepped out of a steam bath...with long sleeves on;)
My cutie! We've got a little boy teasing her at school. Making fun of her teeth...her hair. We had to have the talk again about how hurting people hurt others. About how words really do sting and it's okay to feel sad, but you need to forgive and be kind anyway....tell the teacher...and do not to dwell on those words, because in your heart you know that they are so not true.
Then I had a moment in the car where momma bear came out, and I said a snide remark and we laughed. We got that out of our system and then we adjusted our focus and talked about being kind again;) I'm human after all. And that's my baby, and dangit if she isn't just adorable!!
The fact is it's easy to love people who love you. It's easy to be nice to those who are lovely. be kind to those that support your dreams and help you through life.
It's a lot harder to feel good around someone who obviously doesn't like you or who puts you down. It's challenging to look past the jabs and stabs and see what the other person may be going through for them to lash out. And it may not always be a bad home life or any underlying pain...honestly it may just be that nasty monster of insecurity that makes them tear you down so they feel a little bigger...a little better about themselves:/
Whatever the reason it hurts and despite that hurt Jesus commands us to love. To turn our faces away. It goes against every fiber of our being to do that. We want to strike back.

But we are commanded to love!
Whoever does not love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE! 1 John 4:8
When we come to Him we become a new creation.
The old flesh must die. Our sinful ways need to come under His submission.
So we can spread our wings, FLY...and draw others to Him.
To mirror him. To reflect His ways. It's a constant aligning. And I'll be honest I fail miserably...often! People annoy me. Kids annoy me. How does He love at all times? Something to strive towards.
Speaking of girls are blooming right before my eyes. I can't believe how fast time is going and how much they are changing. It completely freaks me out. In a good way, but still!!
**My folks are on their way:)) It's going to be a fun week or two.
Follow along on Instagram if ya want...farmgirlpaints.
Be a blessing.
using our big girl cameras
fun time, not work time, with sweet T
God's glorious creation and attention to detail
downtime with my parents
crisp air
life lessons
my them so much it literally hurts!