There's something about getting away that can do a correction in you. I think a separation from the norm, from the familiar, is like a wiping off of a foggy steamed up mirror. You come home and everything is crystal clear. Your heart and soul become aligned. This happens for me. I get home and my patience is back. My tone is less growly. I happily do things that normally I would grumble about. I see my people and take them a little less for granted. It's just what a get-away should do. It refreshes and reprioritizes things for you.
I just got back from a week out in the Pacific Northwest. Man oh man how I love escaping to that side of the country. Mossy green lushness all around. Snow capped mountains in the distance. Trees that tower and air that smells fresh. And always an early Spring with blooms pushing through. Add glorious sunshine, which always happens for me when I'm there, and it's like salve to a winter "burn".
When I go out there I share my time between two friends...both whom I've known for years through blogging. It never fails to amaze me how well I can know two people who I met through the Internet and only get to see maybe once a year. God can span distances. He can forge friendships and align hearts. Our ties don't depend on face to face time...we share a love for the Lord and that makes us sisters:)
Can you hear it? The pound of water from the falls... Lissa took me to Snoqualmie Falls and to the Salish Lodge for breakfast. That farm style breakfast might possibly have been the best I've ever had. The biscuit was divine. I was trying so hard not to oooh and ahhh too much. My friend who can't have gluten had to sit and watch me eat it:/ But let the record state it was THE BEST!
Can you smell it? A forest so different from ours here I have to push down the excitement to not squeal when I see the moss and ancient towering trees. It's absolutely magical! After breakfast we took a hike down to the falls. Stopping every few steps to snap pictures. THIS was my favorite moment with Lissa. Nature makes me feels so close to His presence, and this was nature to the max. I loved this day.
With Sasha and her family we took a ferry over to Port Gamble. Can I just pause for a minute to tell you how much I love riding a FERRY! It's seriously so much fun, but I can't imagine doing that as a way of life. Paying that much attention to a schedule would take some major getting used to.
We visited this quaint little town of Port Gamble, which used to be a saw mill town...so full of history, and again snapped pictures of everything in sight. Do these girls know me or what:) It was so much fun!! And while I was paying for a little souvenir in the General Store the clerk recognized me! She asked me about my cuff and when I told her I made them she was like "Oh my gosh...YOU'RE Farmgirl Paints!". Seriously it about made my head pop off!! Getting "recognized" in a tiny little town on the other side of the country made my day:)) I think moments like that are little hugs from heaven. It's not lost on me that my heavenly Daddy would take the time to bless me like that. He knew that would tickle me pink. He planned for that precise moment to happen...to make me feel special;) Oh love how He loves us so.
There were so many more memories made. I was loved on. Fed well. Taken to all my favorite places and had so many laughs along the way. God is good to this "farmgirl" from Virginia.
Be a blessing,
My flight days there and back were so stressful. Richmond rarely gets "weather", but it fell on both my travel days:/ God worked it out. I got there and I got home. Hallelujah! So grateful for these sweeties who made me feel missed!! Texting with your 11 year old bonds you!
Spring blooms in February! For a friend that drove 6 hours so I could see Oregon with my own eyes:))
Lissa's port! Sigh...

Whatcom Falls Park... Oh Bellingham you are so beyond cool! This is just right there in the middle of town. Do you see me?
An Outlander series marathon. Loved these cozy nights with my girl Sasha. Add some Trader Joe's fireworks chocolate bars to the mix and it truly was a party;)
Painting pottery! Hours of quiet creative time equals bliss!!!