We married young. Fell in love in High School. Navigated through a year of Junior College before we said I do. I put him through school, then him me. I tell my girls that other than your faith walk and asking Jesus into your heart the number one decision you'll ever make is who you'll marry. Choose wisely.
It's not always easy. We have such different personalities. I'm a risk taker, go anywhere...wanderlust girl. He's a fixer. A homebody. A non-adventure type...that is very into the details. Which is actually great. We balance each other out. Heaven forbid if it was up to me we'd be living in an RV in Hawaii somewhere. And although that would be cool, there's something smart about not being too wanderlusty. You have to make a living somehow. There needs to be a plan;)

I know I've talked about this before, but I'm reminiscing. I once was a teenager with a broken heart that wrote out a prayer and asked God to bring me someone special. Then I had a dream and my honey was no longer just a friend, but the man I had prayed for. And I think of that gift. The gift of answered prayer and despite our differences I know God put us together for a specific reason.

Here's to 25 1/2 years of looking into your eyes. Of knowing that you've got my back. That you see me and stay. That you love me even when I'm unlovable. The Lord I knew I would so desperately need you. Happy 23 years baby!
Be a blessing.
**All pics were taken in the Blue Ridge Mountains:)
Wintergreen Resort area.