The timing for my trip to Washington seemed a little off. I was totally overwhelmed with preparing for my show. Sasha was in the middle of packing her whole house in anticipation for a move and we just needed a day. A day to do whatever our heart's desired.
We took a drive in the country. She showed me the little town she hopes to move to. I met her momma. Saw the first place she held a job. We went to her grocery store:)

We went shopping at the cutest little boutiques and whipped out our cameras for fun.
Then we did something so decadent that I melt just thinking back. We got a spa pedicure. And boy did we milk our time in that spa. We put on robes and sat in the sauna.
We cozied up and got pampered...and it was heavenly.
For both of us this was a major treat. Getting a spa anything is a rare occasion. We were so grateful.
My feet are like sandpaper in the winter. I'm very lazy with maintenance. Shame on me I know, but I hardly ever paint my toes. No one sees them right?? But you know what? I see them. And there is something so nice about having pretty toes. I really need to make an effort to start taking care of myself a little better.
This was the view I had while this lovely woman did her magic on my hooves;) It was screened...so you could hear the little stream bubbling and the birds singing in the trees. It was like salve to my soul. In Minnesota it's still very much winter and even though they all think it's winter there it's really not. It's what our Spring is like. The grass was green. People were mowing their lawns. Buds were starting to come. I don't know how many times I told Lissa and Sasha how blessed they were.
And it was sunny. Which I thought was a special gift just for me. Seriously when I've been to Seattle it's always been gorgeous. I'm starting to doubt the whole rainy overcast thing every one is always talking about;)
After our pampering Sash took me to a cute little shopping area and we walked the streets in our flipflops. FLIPFLOPS people!!!! How awesome is that in Feb!!
We couldn't help trying to capture all the Spring cheer around us.
Then we found the sweetest cupcake shop. You all know how much I LOVE cupcakes.
Can this day get any better??
UH yeah it can:) That night we went to THE coolest restaurant and completely pigged out. It was the best seafood I've ever had. After every bite I think I moaned. Kind of embarrassing, but it was impossible not to.
We were doing good until we indulged just a little too much and both ordered creme brulee for dessert. Let's see earlier in the day we had cupcakes, oh and I left out the chocolate covered caramels!! It was pure gluttony. Hard to believe you can get too much of a good thing, but you can. We both literally felt sick afterwards. Lesson learned...all things in moderation. Even good things need balance.
We did more...I didn't show everything. It was a fun filled, fully packed day. Every little fiber of me was nourished in one way or another. I am so thankful for this friend. She teaches me...she's wise. She loves me for me. She's like the sister I never had. So even if it's only one day a year that I get I'll take it. It was a good day. That's something to sing about right?
Have a blessed day.