I still have a ton of Seattle pictures to show you. I hope you don't mind. Let's just pretend we are curled up on my couch having a cup of coffee and I'm showing you my photo albums. It's fun right?;)
Lissa took me to THE most gorgeous place called Deception Pass. Can you even believe this view?? I was so mad at myself for leaving my zoom lens at home. I could have gotten some amazing pictures...bummer! Lesson learned.
I didn't take these two, but this is what the bridge looks like from a distance.
Okay since I didn't bring anything other than my 50 lens there are a lot of pictures of me.
And me again. Don't you love it when people take a picture of their feet? Look at that GREEN! Ahhhh heaven:)
It's really really high up (aprox. 180 feet), but that's not what made me nervous. See how close Lissa is to the road?? Wikipedia says 20,000 cars a day pass by on this bridge, and they were flying just inches away from us. Scary!
Puget Sound

It was overcast that day, but still breathtakingly beautiful. The water was a gorgeous color of blue green.
This is under the bridge. Apparently it's a big suicide bridge. Doesn't that just break the spell a bit?
Actual driftwood. If we had time I would have loved to hike down to that beach. It was a place that you could have spent all day exploring, but we were in a rush.
And this little gal was the reason why:) We were heading to charming Snohomish for a hand off. Going out to see Lissa and Sasha is like being handed off between two step-parents. They are so beyond sweet to work out their schedules so we can all get together.
I just love these gals.
Oh and Snohomish wasn't too bad either. What a cute little town. We checked out some sweet stores and dined on Mexican food, with an incredibly funny embarrassing story that I would butcher if I attempted to share. Maybe Sash will dish someday:)
Have I mentioned I love pussy willow?? Ahhh and look at those spring colors. That whole display would look so cute in my house.
Okay so I've made you all wait long enough. The final two winners of the give-away are:
This decision was HARD. All of them were a-maz-ing. I ended up putting the four most popular pictures in a hat. Thanks everyone for making it so easy...NOT!! Congratulations ladies:)
Have a blessed day.