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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013

Good morning friends.  Just a snippet of our Thanksgiving weekend to Asheville.  Once again, for the third year in a row, we spent it with our sweet little fill-in Hutchinson family.  Love them to pieces.  See that little cutie in the top left pic?  She's OUR baby.  Yep we were there when mom and dad Hutchinson gave the big reveal and announced her impending arrival.  I blogged about it here.  Needless to say she really was the center of our attention.  Amazing how last year she wasn't there and this year we couldn't imagine life without her.  God is good!

 The quirky Early Girl Eatery in Asheville, NC

I know it's over and Thanksgiving is old news now, but I want spill out what I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful:
that i'm forgiven and have a Savior who is right by my side
for being a momma
for these girls that make my heart sing
for loving my husband...and that he loves me back
for having a home
for an income that pays for that home
for my past, my childhood, my parents who helped shape who I am
that my honey doesn't travel anymore
for friends that love me
for a furry creature that is always right there
for creature comforts like comfort food, a cozy bed and a hot shower
for sunshine
for gloomy days that make me appreciate the sunshine
for my business
for helpers that keep me company and keep me from sinking
for health and breath and life
for every little thing that I take for granted every day because I know they are gifts from Him...I'm thankful.

And I'm thankful for this basement, and that will become my new cuff shop/art studio/happy place.  It's been a stressful time of year to mess with it, but I know it's going to be an amazing blessing once it's done.

(Find the Fall on your knees sign here & the Silent night sign here)

And I'm thankful that Christmas decorations are out and almost up;)  It was SO tempting to not fuss with it this year, considering the mess everywhere else.  I have glitter in every little crevice of my floors.  It's everywhere...but aside from decorating the tree it's up...happy, warm and cozy and for that I'm extremely grateful!   Glad we did it anyway:)

It's whizzing by.  Can you feel it?  This year is almost over.  The busyness can choke out my joy in a millisecond if I let it.  I don't want to let it.  It's December 3, 2013.  The only December 3, 2013 there will ever be.  I'm going to sit in it for a minute.  Let it drape over my shoulders like a warm blanket...then I'll fold it up and get back to the to-do's of today.  But for now...

Be a blessing.

 surviving black thursday;)
 meeting a reader...amy bruce in my favorite store in asheville
catching fire!

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