Happy Good Friday friends. I asked my girlies this morning what Good Friday was and they both just looked at me with blank stares on their faces! Uh can you say giant fail feeling as a parent this morning:\ I even helped them along...Sunday is Easter right? Jesus rose from the grave right?? What would have happened on FRIDAY??!! Again blank stares...oh and then the lights came on and little chick figured it out. Jesus died! YES!!!!!! He died. That's major.

How do I even begin to type how major that was??! IS!!! He died. He took my place, my shame, my guilt...my sin. He took it all on himself, so I wouldn't have to bear it. He died for me. ME! And you!!! And it didn't stop there...He conquered death!! PRAISE GOD!

I am so humbled by His love. So humbled by the gospel...as a parent I love my girls more than anything. The thought of any pain or suffering coming to them makes me cringe. I want to scoop them up and protect them from it all. Yet God allowed His SON to take our human wrongs and make them right. Oh dear Jesus...I'm so unworthy. Just the thought brings me to my knees.

That unworthy feeling is what I think keeps some away. How can I be good enough? How could He possibly forgive all that I've done?? I'm nothing. And if I do ask Him in...ask Him to forgive...will my life change? Will I really be different? Can I have a relationship with someone I can't see? It all seems so hard to believe. Too far out there to be real. I'll be trespassing where I don't belong. I could never fit in with all that faith stuff.

But it is real. If you are on the fence...if you are cold in your heart and you feel far from Him, I promise if you open His word, if you reach out to Him...He is RIGHT THERE. He is waiting for you. He loves you SO much. He knows your past. He knows your hurts. He knows every single thing you hold dear and He wants to scoop you up and carry you.
He loves you. He died for you. Ask Him to live in your heart. To take all that garbage away. He will. Draw near...let Him carry you.
Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Be a blessing.
Easter weekend
a road trip looming large
spring break
a love TOO big to comprehend
old chippy white paint