Spent the day with Jill and Suzanne. We unanimously decided we don't like the term "junking" and vote for the term treasure hunting instead. We went to some occasional sales in a cute little town near my house. In case you don't have them where you are at, occasional sales happen just once a month. Various vendors go out and collect goodies all month and then we swoop in and snag the good stuff:)
I seriously had no intention of buying anything. There wasn't one thing I was looking for. That's of course when you find everything you never you knew you wanted;) Is this little truck me or what?? How cute with it's load of fresh wheatgrass and...

salt and pepper shakers along for the ride:) I just fell hard and knew it was my treasure of the day.
Then I found this beau-ti-ful quilt! Did you know I love quilts?? I sort of collect them. Anyhoo I've always wanted one with circles and today was the day. Doesn't it look pretty on the back of that denim couch? Just like it was meant to be there;)
This old beat up black lunch pail soooo reminded me of my daddy. I just knew it would be cute someplace. It found it's home on my cookbook rack in the kitchen. Makes me think of him when I look at it. He was so funny back in the day when he used to work. He was a welder and I remember him making from sheet metal a cabinet (with a padlock) to keep all his goodies safe. I guess it's so we wouldn't get into his cookie stash. Oh sweet memories:)

I saw somewhere in a magazine a whole wall of vintage hand mirrors. So in the back of my mind I've had this idea cataloged and today was finally the mother lode. LOVE this idea!!! Honey not so much. He thought it looked a little old lady like. WHAT?? What do you think?? I'll have to show you when I find the perfect wall to hang them. Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm hoping to finally get my Etsy store stocked up again soon with all kinds of little treasures just for YOU!
Have a blessed day.