Friday we took the girls to see the Fantastic Mr. Fox movie and I have to say it was a surprising hit in our family. Didn't know anything about it except that George Clooney was the voice for Mr. Fox and Meryl Streep was Mrs. Fox. It was delightful! The animation was really different. Don't know how they did it, but the fur on their faces moved piece by piece. It was strange and weird, but mesmerizing. I loved the plot and the actors matched up perfectly with the characters on screen.

The movie was based on this 1970's book by Roald Dahl. Mr. Fox is a recovering thief trying to live an upstanding life as a reporter for his wife's sake. The wild animal instinct in him is just too powerful to leave his old life behind. It's hilarious to see how this wiley fox tries to get out of the mess he's made. My girls laughed and laughed. Great family fun:)