i've been staring at this blinking cursor for minutes. i have no idea what i should say "about me".
hi...i'm becky strahle. i don't like to cook. not sure why i threw that out there first, but it's something you should know about me. i don't know how to properly use these dot dot dots... but you'll see i use them all the time... oh and sideways smiley faces. ;) i use them alot too:))
here i am wearing one of the cuffs i made. i kind of just fell into this trade. it found me. i love words. one day i made something for myself that i thought was cool, and before you know it i was making them for everyone else too. here's a post i wrote with etsy tips that work for me;)
oh and just in case you're wondering i also paint;) i grew up in central Illinois (hence farmgirl) and i'm a self taught artist. i used to commission house paintings, but i've decided to focus more on my own thing. i have dreams...big dreams for my art. we'll see...
this is my honey. we met in high school. he's truly my best friend in the whole world. there is no one i feel more myself with. we've been married 22 years! i can't even believe that, but yep 22 years!! i wrote about our love story here, and some things i want my girls to know about marriage here.
these are my girls. they are complete opposites. personalities to the fullest. i'm in awe at who they are. i not only love them, i truly like them.
when we first got married i didn't want kids. i figured i'd regret that later, so i prayed God would change my mind and He did! after seven years we finally started a family. i can't imagine life without my girlies...big chick and little chick.
one of my favorite hobbies is taking pictures. i seriously don't have a clue what i'm doing, but somehow they turn out alright. my big girl camera is a Canon 6D...i have the 50mm f/1.4, 85mm f/1.8, 35mm f/2 and 24-70mm f/2.8L lenses. i took a simple camera course a few years back to learn the basics, other than that it's all trial and error.
my new camera love is Instagram. i'm pretty addicted to the ease of a camera phone and all the fun effects and filters that go along with making photo magic. i use the Samsung Galaxy 5, and edit most of my shots with snapseed. find me on IG @farmgirlpaints.
oh and i can't forget my furry love. this is fergie...our shih tzu. she makes our home better. she always finds her spot under our feet or curled up on our laps. every night she takes turns sleeping in one of our beds. we don't deserve her;)
my first love by far is Jesus. i asked Him into my heart as a little girl. He has given me this beautiful life. given me the ability to write, paint, create...express myself. every good thing, every perfect provision...every single blessing i have is from HIM.
my ultimate prayer is that this blog will be an encouragement to you. that you will leave a little happier, a little lighter, and a lot more sure of who you are in Him.