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Sunday, April 21, 2013

His grace is sufficient

Good morning sweet blog...sweet blog friends.  I've missed you!!  Feels like we've been gone a solid month. No exaggeration. We broke our vacation into three mini trips and wowza we were busy, and relaxed and BUSY, but relaxed;)

So I was laying in bed this morning, in a post-vacation fog, feeling completely overwhelmed, and instead of revisting the last week and how incredibly amazing it was I let the world crash in around me.  I got that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Dread set in.  Why God why??  Vacation is an escape.  I use it to leave everything and everyone behind.  I drop my brain off at the door and seriously forget anything exists, but beauty and fun and my sweet family.

Then reality comes flooding back in and there is a to-do list a mile long.  There are neighbors packing up and leaving us.  There are world events that didn't seem to touch us while we were in lala land.  Then there are the many in my life desperately in need of prayer.  It shifts the view.  It's a priority check.  Life isn't just fun, relaxation and the search of serenity, it's in your on your toes hard.  Too hard for me, but not for Him:)

I spent a good amount of time listening to one cd on the trip...The One You Need by Shane & Shane.  Seriously good stuff.  I drank in the lyrics.  Each one speaking directly to my heart.  This song keeps playing over and over in my head.

My grace is sufficient

What are you gonna do
When the doctor comes
Into the waiting room
Puts his hand on you
And says I'm sorry?

What are you gonna say to God
When all you do is pray to God
To take the thorn away?
And all you hear Him say is:

My grace, My grace
My grace is sufficient
My grace is sufficient

What are you gonna do
When your neighbor walks
Into your living room
And you to tell him
Who could deliver them
Like He delivered you?

What are you gonna say to God
When all you do is pray to God
For them to know His name
And all you hear Him say is:

My grace, My grace
My grace is sufficient

My grace is sufficient's beautiful. 
I'll be back at some point. 
After I edit approximately a million pictures and restock my shop;)  
It's reopening soon....eeeeek! 
Have a blessed week. 
His grace is sufficient!!!!

giant trees that touch the sun
waves crashing over and over again
warm sand that melts me to mush
poptarts for breakfast
water that sparkles like diamonds
crisp air that leaves me intoxicated
beauty that brings me to tears
precious time with my peeps

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