A few weeks ago I told you about my mother-in-law, and how she is getting married to a man that we don't know and it's really fast etc... There are more involved details, which I won't share, but it's been hard for us for many reasons. I have been fighting feelings of anger and hurt. When I think of her, or dream of her and him, which I have been lately...it's always negative. I relive the whole thing in my mind and rehash certain conversations and I feel bitter inside. To be honest I'm carrying around some junk.
Well for the past few days when she pops in my head, I've immediately shut down my initial feelings and went straight to praying for her. Lord be with Minnie and Jim. Bless their relationship. Provide protection of her heart and finances. I pray their relationship will be a gift to them both. Help Honey, Julie and all of us to accept the changes to come and Change our hearts to make room for him. It absolutely amazes me that as soon as I pray for them I don't feel angry or upset anymore. I've completely let go and placed it at His feet. Which is where it all belongs in the first place.
As I think on the Love Dare challenge and how it applies to my relationship with my Honey, I think it also works well with other people in our lives. Is there a friend who gets under your skin; a family member that drives you crazy; a boss that makes your life miserable; a child that challenges you everyday?? If so, give it to the one that can help you forgive. Lay it down and pray for them instead. Ask for forgiveness and grace, and you will feel the burden lift. Let Him restore what is broken inside your heart.
Have a blessed day.