Jill @ Sneaky Momma you are the best. Her site is designed for dummies like me! She leads you step by step through various things to make your blog better. She makes it's simple. Sneaky Momma helped me figure out my signature, how to put videos in my posts, got rid of the little dotted lines that separate everything on my template, centered my buttons on the sidebar, add an extended blog list etc...
Shabby Blog...thank you for the awesome free blog design. My site is cute and quirky because of you:)
Kristin @ Twinkle Life... thank you for answering the simplest of questions when I first got started. I'm sure you were annoyed:) Your blog really inspired me to go deeper and to share my faith more.
Kevin and Amanda... I love my new font for the header, post title and sidebar. I always wanted to spruce this part of my blog up and never knew how. Thanks so much.
I have recently been awarded the "Lovely Blog" award by Katie Lane @ Sunshine and Bubblegum and Amanda @ Serenity Now . I really do feel honored and appreciate you for spotlighting me on your blogs. Now I have to pick some other Lovely blogs to bestow this honor, so without further adieu:
1.) Humble Pie
2.) Sasha's Heart
3.) Simple Thoughts
4.) The Perch
5.) Transparent Mama
7.) Sara's Art House
Here are the rules:
1) If you want to accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 10 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. (It was 15, but that's an awful lot of links to post!) Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Photo Credit: nicky.reynolds, Flickr