This is my
laundry room. I'm extremely proud of this space because it used to be pretty ugly. My honey and I redid it a while back and I just love it. I sooo wish I had a before picture to show, but it was pre-blog days and it didn't matter as much back then;)
Before there were no cabinets above the washer and dryer, just wire shelves, and we had indoor/outdoor carpet. The walls were a light lavendar and we had very little overhead lighting. We yanked out the carpet and put down vinyl, repainted the walls, hung cabinets and added much needed lighting. I would love some of those fancy front loading machines, but these are still perfectly functional...ugh:)

The red clock is from IKEA.

We bought generic cabinets at Home Depot and I painted them and fancied them up a bit.
I got this bucket at a flea market and we keep Fergie's food in there.
These shoe cabinets and the picture is from IKEA. You should have seen this space before. We are talking an out of control mess. On either side of these wooden drawers are walls and they have hooks on them for our coats. You can see part of a hook on the left side.
All the letters and hooks came from
Anthropologie. Don't ya just love??
Last but not least, my cutsy Laundry Room sign. I have this hanging over the door that leads into the kitchen. I got it at my favorite Country Junction store back in Illinois. Hope you enjoyed my tour.
Have a blessed day.
I just want to say thank you ladies for all of the kind words and prayers you offered up for my friend Marylynn yesterday. It is such a comfort to know that I can post something important and you listen and respond with such words of encouragement and support. What an absolute blessing you all are to me!