Hello friends...It's almost been a week since I posted last!!! Seriously that's like a record for me. I feel like nothing is going on, but yet everything is going on all at once. I haven't picked up my big girl camera in forever. I don't really know how to use it with that new lens anyway;) So instead of not posting anything I figured a few Instagram pics would do. Is that okay?? I just assume you all have it, but I know that's not true. If you don't sign up! So FUN...my name...farmgirlpaints:)
We have been making progress on all the holiday stuff and got our gifts wrapped over the weekend. I feel like maybe I'm the only person in blogland who does not enjoy wrapping gifts. You are all posting gorgeous packages all tied up with string, and stamps and homemade cards and seriously I'm just thrilled if they get paper all the way around and don't rip before Christmas. Is anybody with me?? Maybe it's the extreme agony of sitting on the floor for that long. The achy joints and back pain that accompany gift wrapping. Maybe I'm getting too old;) OR I need a gift wrapping station! HA!! That would be a luxury. Anyhoo I don't enjoy it. Not even a little tiny bit...but my honey did make it fun...wink...wink;)
So I'm still taking orders. The countdown is on. My shop closes on the 15th and will stay closed until February....EEEEEKKK!!! If you need something, want something, wish for something...tell me or have a loved one tell me. I've got a couple of coupons out for 20% off...here and here.
Oh and that first pic is how I normally look when I create. Nasty huh? It's hard work being a Christmas elf...it just is;) I know plenty of other Etsy women who look just like that. I DO! Now stop judgin'!!
Okay so I had a proud moment for my girlie this week. She entered a PTA sponsored program at school with photography as one of the entries, and at the breakfast this week they announced she WON! YAY Big chick!!!! If you don't follow HER on Instagram you should. My girl has a gift, and I'm not just saying this cause I'm her momma. Go check her out and you'll know. Her name is bigchick7.
And last but not least...in the midst of cuff makin' madness I took a break. GASP! I know!!! But we had two days in the mid-70's!!! That's unheard of in DECEMBER!!!!! Anyhoo I was outside in the flash of an eye with some projects that I thought would be a nightmare because I was going to have to handbrush them. Turns out spay painting can also be a nightmare. An entire swarm of gnats landed on my wet dresser. We are talking around 200 mummified gnats glued to my dresser!!!! Had a little panic moment but they came off and you just wait. I'll show the end result soon enough. It turned out gorgeous!!!
Today I am taking another moment...because it's killing me and I'm painting my dark dungeon like basement WHITE! I never in a million years thought I'd do that. I'm a color girl. It almost makes my heart hurt to do it. Will I even see a difference as I paint the walls?? All that work and no immediate satisfaction:( AAAAAARRRRRGGGGG! Deep breaths. It's gonna be great. I have to keep telling myself that. I have to do it. The basement is so dark it needs me to do it. So I will...I must! Wish me luck:)
**OH and please continue to lift my Grandma and mom up in prayer. She's lost 17 pounds since my mom and dad were out there a few weeks ago. She's just stopped eating. The staff says they usually do that in the end and maybe she has a week left. My mom is doing pretty good, but the thought of her not hearing her mom's voice tell her she loves her or that she's praying for her hurts. I can only imagine!! Doesn't really matter how old they are does it. Thank you for praying. Praying helps SO much!
Have a blessed day.
Love you girls...miss ya!
900. a homecoming waiting for my Grandma
901. grace and peace that is waiting for my momma
902. strength to get some to-do's done
903. glorious weather
904. talented children
905. a honey that makes my heart skip a beat
906. friends that make life better!