Good morning friends. I've had this plain nook space in my house. It's dark. It's at the top of our stairs, right outside of our bedrooms, and it just needed a little pop of color and interest. Do you remember my "peeps" project?? I made that display from a frame and then added chicken wire. I had an ugly pink bench in my storage room that I lacquered with red paint and then the best part of new treasure. See that pillow??...LOVE!!!!
My post the other day was about using your gifts, whatever they may be...and that we are ALL artists in one way or another. This pillow is a perfect example of that. My blogging friend Chrissie Grace contacted me several months ago. She was in love with my work and vice versa, and we decided to do a trade.
When I opened my package from her I actually teared up. From reading my blog she knew I loved foxes and owls. She knew I loved mushrooms. She knew my favorite scriptures. I told her these things too, but she knew! She had found the perfect fabric and away she create a masterpiece that would completely bless my heart!
Look at the detail involved. I am in complete awe of her talent. Her GOD GIVEN ability to create an art piece out of fabric...amazing!!! Anyway that little dark overlooked space is not overlooked anymore. Every time I walk by it reminds me of the special people in my life and that I'm blessed. It reminds me that He knows me:) If you get a chance bless my friend too and check out her amazing Etsy shop.
David Garibaldi: Jesus Painting from Thriving Churches on Vimeo.
Oh and I had this video sent to me awhile back and I keep forgetting to share it. It will bless your socks off. Take a second and watch it...with the music loud!!! It's awesome. Again the gifts that God gives his people is mind blowing!!! Are you using yours today??
Have a blessed day.
192. no need for an alarm clock on the weekend.
193. sweet ones who love me despite my hormones.
194. orange, red and yellow crispy leaves.
195. my electric blanket
196. sweet viola music filling in the silence around me;)
197. craft paper, ribbons and pretty things to make something lovely.
198. the excitement of a friend coming to stay;)
199. the smell of my dinner simmering in the crockpot.