Okay this is the post where I talk about the kids going back to school. I know I should probably be sad...and I am just a smidgen, but really I just want to whoop and holler!!! They are actually more excited than I am. It's time to make friends. It's time to learn. YES!
It's time to get back into a routine. Oh how I miss routine. I NEED routine. I've discovered this summer that I probably have SEVERE ADHD. I have a lot to do...like I'm sure all of you do. I can start doing one thing and get distracted and go off to do that thing, get distracted change to do the next thing and on it goes! It's this vicious unproductive circle.

So it's time to hopefully get some kind of routine and schedule down. Maybe one day for cleaning. Two or three days carved out just for creating. Oh how I miss creating! Gym time of course, and you gotta make time for friends. I especially need time to invest in that.
Loved this chair in little chick's school. Isn't that a great way to reinvent an ugly old thrift store chair? Totally funky!
I had a flashback of my own childhood recently. I remember like yesterday my momma taking me into our old farmhouse bathroom and showing me how to shave my legs. It's vivid. I remember the soap suds and the cheap bic razor that would cut you so easily. I remember her instructing me not to shave above my knee because my future husband wouldn't like to feel prickles there;) Now it's my turn...I took miss big chick into the bathroom recently and I passed on the age old tradition that all of us women have to succumb to. We lathered and shaved and rinsed...and we went above the knee! It was precious. I appreciate these little things. These special mother daughter rites of passage. I know they are small, but that memory is forever ingrained on my memory. I hope she made a special spot for it too.
I kind of chuckle to myself looking at her face in this pic. She's trying to unlock her new locker. UGH! The frustration of learning something new. I feel it. I get it. We are all in the same boat. It's bound to be an interesting week. I pray that new friends will emerge, that excitement will light up their eyes. I pray that the hard and new will become easy and familiar. I pray for good things. I pray that this school year will bring blessings and joy and so much more.
Our scripture verse this week was in Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Boy do I need this verse. This is the week that I've had butterflies in my stomach thinking about ever since we made the decision to move to Virginia. I can't believe it's finally here. Time to be brave. Time to set them free. 3, 2, 1...it begins today:)
Have a blessed day.
55. red and white polka dots
56. happy smiley teacher faces
57. bright colored school walls
58. hours of new time to get things done
59. the gift of learning
60. opportunity to make new friends
61. rites of passage ingrained in my brain.
62. a church we want to visit again;)
Their buses just picked them up. WAAAAA! Big Chick was so excited she could hardly contain herself. Little Chick was really nervous. She could feel her heart pitter patter;) Oh my!