I woke up this morning to the rumble of bulldozer engines and chainsaws. Lovely way to start the day;) Remember when I said I wasn't used to the trees?? Well I'm over it! The ones on the side of the house made my bedroom feel like a tree house. It blocked the view into my bathroom. They gave us privacy and made me feel cocooned. Today they started ripping those babies out. Rip seems like an appropriate word. That's how I feel about everything comfortable and familiar these days...like it's all been ripped away.
There goes our private backyard. I'm trying to look on the bright side here. It will probably allow for more light into the house...and I LOVE light. It will also mean that they start building a new house and that means new friends. So we've already started to pray. Lord send us a family that we can bond with...right there in that new place. Right next to us. If that's the case it's so worth the loss of a few trees.
I've developed a little routine. Every morning I slide on my comfy shoes and take Fergie for a walk. Still trying to adapt to the heat and humidity. By the time I make my 15 minute round I'm covered in a "glow". It's new and dewy and for the most part I'm embracing the weather difference. I've been doing pretty good lately at not comparing and for me that's the key to my happiness here.

Someday this will be lined with houses. It will be a good thing, but wow change is hard. I always thought I was great with change. I love to try new things, but I'm realizing with this move and every single thing being different at once that I despise change. I've changed my way of thinking. Same is good..ha! At least that's my thought right now;)
Which brings me to my latest change. I traded my car. I didn't really want to. I loved my car, but it was getting up there with miles and not knowing what might happen with our housing situation we decided we should buy one now.
I seriously felt depressed about it. What is wrong with me?? A normal person would be jumping up and down about getting a new car, but I found myself in a funk...mourning the loss of familiar all over again. Just like with the house, I tried not to look back. I tried not to go down that wallowing path because I can go there. I did get one last shot of my baby:) Oh and I took the steering wheel cover. I'm sentimental like that.
The girls of course had to tag along for that adventure. So not fun! But they are troopers and I love that they are with us on this uprooting. They are along for the ride, making memories and becoming stronger everyday. As I type this I hear giggles coming from my basement. Our first play date is in progress. There is a 7 year old little red headed girl right across the street...yay!! She is cute cute cute and she's wiggling her way into Little Chick's heart right now. This very minute a new root is taking place. A friendship seed is in place. Oh how I love that!
Have a blessed day.