I've talked about Alicia before. We met blogging. She was one of my very first custom house painting orders. Since then she's become like my little sis. I can say that because she's 10 yrs younger people...10 YEARS! Geesh when did that happen?? Anyway I just love her, so when she said her family would be in town over the weekend it didn't take long to decide that they must come over and meet my peeps.
Aren't they just the cutest couple ever? They are high school sweethearts too! Love that. Anyway my honey and her honey really hit it off. This one fact made me even sadder that they live 5 hours away. Sometimes it's hard to find that mix. You know where you all click. Well we clicked:)
Before they left she mentioned he was a little nervous about coming over to our house. It's a little strange making friends over the Internet. You just never know if it will be the same in person. Will they be crazy, will you be able to carry on a conversation in person?? What if they have a high squeaky Mickey Mouse voice?? Okay those are my fears. Happy to admit that wasn't the case this time around:) Ooooh at least on my end. Hope they didn't think I was a crazy...hmmmm.
Our littles got along splendidly. And just look at that Sophie! Don't you just want to eat her up?? She had cookie everywhere. It was the cutest thing.
Big Chick got to perform for all of us. She was in her element! I swear that girl has good things in her path. She's going to be a musician. When she's in...she's ALL in. I so love her passion and she wasn't afraid. She played for us all without batting an eye. I never would have done that at her age...or even now for that matter.
It was just a really fun day. I know I've mentioned Alicia's shop to you before, but you really should bop over there for yourself. She was just featured in Country Living magazine and her local newspaper. I have to admit I'm a little proud of her. Good things are in her path too. Just like that pillow she made for me that says bloom:) She's definitely blooming!! **BTW...she featured my Etsy store on her blog today. Go check it out and tell her I said hi:)
Have a blessed day.

***Oh and I've been meaning to mention the comment thing. I've been SOOOO frustrated. I know a lot of you have been having the same issues. I think I finally figured it out. When you go to sign in to leave a comment UNcheck the "keep me signed in" box. That worked for me. If you still can't comment and you want to contact me my email is beckystrahle@yahoo.com. I love hearing from you:)