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Sunday, May 29, 2011

weekend so far

Friday night was spent rewatching The Secretariat.  The girls and I saw it at the theater awhile back and I just knew honey would LOVE it and he did.  We are suckers for a feel good, underdog wins movie.  By the time it was over we were cheering hysterically pushing for that horse to cross the finish line. 

It's funny how you look at things different a second time.  The first time I was more focused on Penny Tweedy and her desire to keep the family farm.  Her drive to fulfill her dreams.  This time my focus was purely on the horse.  That scene when she whispered to him to "run his race" and then he blew it away by 31 was magic!!  This may sound ridiculous speculating on what a horse is thinking, but he didn't have anything to prove.  He was already in the lead...gone!  There was no doubt he was going to win, but something internal pushed him to run his hardest, to finish with everything he had.  He wasn't looking around seeing what any of the other horses were doing;)  He had the finish line in sight and it was spectacular.  Awww so good. 

Saturday we picked up and headed off to do some errands.  The day started off pretty and then it turned.  By the time we were in Michael's there was a tornado warning in effect and then we more or less got stranded in Noodles waiting for the sheets of rain to subside.  The sky was a weird greenish color.  Sirens were blaring.  People were nervously looking out the windows. 

I grew up accustomed to tornado warnings living in Central Illinois.  In the Spring and Summer we had them all the time.  When honey and I were first married tornado's ripped through our town on two consecutive nights.  We've driven through those scenes that you see on t.v. and it's just unbelievable.  But this year the devastation is like nothing before...every day it seems like a new town is wiped away.  So many have lost loved one's and all their earthly possessions.  Every comfort we know in this human life gone.   So as we hunkered in at that Noodles I have to say I felt real fear.  I felt for a split second what those people had to feel in those moments right before the storm hit.  Mine was fleeting however and theirs was a reality.   My heart is broken for them.   I pray that the Lord would meet their every need, comfort them in their loss and restore back to them what was taken.


Heading home the sun made an appearance and all seemed right with the world again.  The rain made everything sparkle...looking even greener than before.  My car was finally clean:)

Hope your long weekend is full of good things.  We are having company today.  One of my favorite blogging friends is heading over for lunch with her family.  YAY!!  Then tonight we are going to a gathering at my friend's farm.  One of the most beautiful spots in my world. 

How will you spend your holiday?

Have a blessed day.

WINNERS for the Katie Evans Ebook are:  Mama Monki & Lori @ Wildflowers

Congrats girls!!!

If you didn't win make sure to check out Katie's book here.  If you put FARMGIRL in the code you'll receive $2.00 off!  Get your copy today:)

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