I'm going to sell at a show. A REAL SHOW. I will be a vendor...ME! Little ol' me at an amazing local show. It's in less than a month and I have a whole LOT to do. I'm terrified. It's always been one of those things I've been really afraid to do. Talk about putting yourself out there. Geesh! I'm much more comfortable hiding behind my computer screen and Etsy store. But alas the day has come and I'm goin' for it.
I know a few things about myself...I can be a self sabotager. I do it with my weight and lots of things. I strive and work hard and then when the time comes to see results sometimes I fizzle. I choke. I become overwhelmed and paralyzed. So pray for me. Pray that I can pull this off and get all my stuff made...oh and the big kicker is I leave for Seattle to visit Lissa and Sasha in the midst of my push. So yeehaw. I better get off here and get to crackin'. Hopefully not literally...HA! Oh and girl's watch out...when you're not looking your dreams WILL come true! God has a way of sneaking them up on you:)
Have a blessed day.