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Sunday, August 8, 2010

The list

Today is my wedding anniversary.  I was laying in bed last night trying to figure out what I wanted to tell you and then it dawned on me I'd never shared our story.  So here goes... 


My parents let me date early.  I fell hard for a boy at my Christian school when I was 15.  He was cute and adored me.  We spent every spare moment together.  From the beginning though it was plagued with huge problems and I was on a constant roller coaster.  He ended up living with my family for a while and eventually we both got kicked out of our Christian school.  Yes I got kicked out of a Christian school...gasp!!!  Any how when it ended I was really broken and bruised.


I remember laying in bed one night praying that God would give me someone else.  For some reason I decided to make a list.  I wrote down everything I wanted in a future husband.  I was really specific.  I wanted him to come from a similar upbringing.  I wanted his family to love me.  I wanted him to be tall...a good kisser.  He had to be a great dad someday.  And most importantly he had to love the Lord with all his heart.  I wrote my list and stuck it under my pillow.  I prayed over that list and knew in my heart there wasn't a single person that I knew who was a match for my list.

Then one night I had a dream and in my dream I had feelings for a friend of mine.  He went to my church.  We were in youth group together.  He was tall and sweet and teased me a lot.  He loved the Lord with all his heart.  We had been dance partners in a church play together and were getting ready to go on a choir trip to England.

High school graduation

I'm not kidding...when I woke up from that dream it was like a veil had been removed from my eyes and someone that I only saw as a friend became more.  We went on that trip and as our plane landed he held my hand for the first time and from that minute on it was just us.  That was almost 21 years ago.

Seems a little dramatic for a 15 year old to have a list and for a serious relationship to begin that young, but God had a plan.  My Honey is a complete gift from above.  He's my best soul mate...the one I will walk through this earthly life with.  I am forever grateful that God heard and answered my prayers all those years ago...that He took me seriously even as a teenager.  So here's to the next 18+ years... and hundreds of more dorky pictures.  I can't wait to see what's to come:)  Oh and I'm thinkin' the list idea might be a good one.  What other things can I specifically pray over?? 

Have a blessed day.

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