This was the group. My girls:) Sasha drove us down to Lissa's on Friday night and we met up with Jeanne, Lissa's sister Stefie, her neighbor Janelle and another friend Julie. All these girls blog, so that in itself was a treat. I don't know of a single person in my real life who has a blog and most don't even know what in the world it is!

I thought it was really cool to meet Lissa's "peeps" in real life. I've heard all about her friends Janelle and Julie, so to meet them in person was really fun. And then of course if you've read Lissa's blog at all you know how special her relationship is with her sister Stefie. I LOVED Stefie! She has Lissa's voice.
This was Lissa's table setting. She has a number theme in her house. Her plates and glasses were numbered. Little jars in the bathroom were numbered, she even bought a really cool basket with a number. I love words and numbers too...so cool:)
Let me just tell you that this girl pulled out all the stops. She made the most yummy baked ziti for us and appetizers. I've been eating really clean at home, so to be able to eat something rich and cheesy was heaven.
The icing on the cake literally was her famous carrot cake cupcakes. Seriously I think a little tear popped out on my first bite. We proceeded to warf those down every day we were there. She HAS to share that recipe...just HAS to!!! They just might be the best cupcakes I've ever had:)
I took tons of pictures of Lissa's home. None of them did it justice. It was BEAU-TI-FUL! I knew she had an all white house. So I thought hmmm...not really me, but when I saw it in person I fell in love. I could totally see myself living there! It was just simple, clean and beachy. Beautifully decorated with slipcovered chairs and white candles. Jeanne took THE most amazing photos of her home (she will post them on Friday) and those are the ones I want you to see. She is quite the photographer.
The photo above is of her view! Can you imagine?? She has breathtaking views of the mountains and Puget Sound. If I lived there I don't think I would get around to blogging. I'd just be staring out my windows all day!
On Saturday we headed to downtown Seattle. We hit Pikes Market, ate at The Pink Door and saw all the touristy stuff. I sat on the pig...with Jeanne making fun of me the whole time:) We saw the fish throwing and crepe making. It was really fun. Super busy! The weather was glorious. Everyone was out and about. The hustle and bustle made it even more interesting. I love to people watch. Oh and I bought some Market Spice Tea. Lots of you told me too. Soooo good:)
I have to say I was totally impressed with Seattle. The views were gorgeous; the people were friendly, and God smiled down on us and gave us beautiful weather. Day one was downtown... stay tuned day two is a glimpse into Lissa's favorite places.
Have a blessed day.