Lissa was so good at thinking through exactly where she wanted to take us for our visit to Seattle. One of her favorite places is Fremont. It's an artsy spot with lots of little unique shops. We found a really sweet spot to snap some photos.
This one shows her spunky personality. She is so playful and fun. I would describe her as passionate. When she's excited about something, she is REALLY excited. She loves with all her heart and isn't afraid to tell you exactly how much you mean to her.

Here are some of ME! They were both just snapping away. I get really self conscious being photographed by myself. Can you imagine being famous and people staring at you all the time? I would hate that.

Not sure what was so funny:) I think I laugh when I'm nervous!

And then a candid of Miss Jeanne. Can I just tell you that this woman oozes talent? She makes the most beautiful things and has an amazing eye for photos. She wears her heart on her sleeve. One minute we could be laughing so hard we are actually snorting, and the next she is tearing up about a story I told her. She feels and associates with you on a deep level. Gotta love that.
The next day Lissa took us to her favorite spot...the Beach! The BEACH in February. Can you imagine? And it was only a 5 minute walk from her doorstep! I was on cloud nine. This is a really fun shot of us in silhouette, the water was so clear you could see really deep.
They wanted feet shots...I didn't:) I got a spray tan before I left and my toes were orange!! I don't bother painting them in the winter since no one ever sees them, so I was mortified. I finally gave in and thankfully you can't really tell.
Breathtaking!! That's a ferry. I sooo wanted to ride a ferry. We didn't have time. Is that corny? Those people who live on that island get to ride it every day! Do you think they take that view for granted?? Lissa says in the summer huge cruise ships heading to Alaska make their way North and dwarf those ferry boats. I would love to see that.
Next stop was Green Lake. This place is special to Lissa because she logged many hours running here training for her marathon last November. Have to say it was a beautiful place. The sun was beaming and everyone and their dog was walking, running or...
ROLLER BLADING! What the??? Do you think "she" minded me taking a photo? No... me either. Don't ya just love crazies?? We don't have quite as many to make fun of in the Midwest. It's a shame really;)
How is it possible that everything there is in bloom in February? It was just gorgeous!!!

Have a blessed day.