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Sunday, January 3, 2010

"The Holiday" surprise

Last night honey and I watched "The Holiday", you know the movie with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. They exchange houses for a few weeks at Christmas and both meet the loves of their lives. I just adore that movie. It really is one of my all time favorites. There is another story intertwined in it about a lonely old man that Winslet befriends and it just touches my heart. If you haven't seen to the video store asap!!

this year our holiday held some surprises of it's own. As soon as we got to my mother-in-law's house she sat us all down and told us she was getting remarried:0 This was pretty shocking to us for a number of reasons. First of all we had never met her new boyfriend, and secondly they haven't been dating long at all.

about emotions running high and tension in the air. We had several long, drawn out discussions during the week. For us, it was just impossible to go from point A to point B in a number of hours with someone we had never met. So as much as she wanted us to accept everything right away it didn't happen. It will be a process.

(Honey's sister Julie and her husband Randy..their kids Brittany and Brandon)

We want her to be happy more than anything, but the idea of her possibly making a mistake by going too fast or not knowing him well enough is really scary. At the end of the day we told her what we think, but she will do exactly what she wants. She doesn't need our approval. We have to just trust her judgement and pray that God will protect her.

It's been really difficult for my husband and his sis. They still struggle at times with the loss of their dad and the idea of someone else with their mom is beyond weird. Then to have a new man in the picture with his own kids etc... it's complicated and something they probably never pictured. Things will never be the same and that's hard.

I guess what it really comes down to is love. She does look happy and isn't that what matters?? I guess it is possible to know in a really short period of time, and when you are older there probably is a time clock ticking over your head. What do you guys think? Have you experienced anything like this??

Have a blessed day.

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