We got home from our Halloween party and I was checking messages (with my husband standing behind me...he NEVER does that) and there was his name... I couldn't believe my eyes. I opened the message and started reading and quickly realized that Honey should not be reading it! I needed to see it first. It was soul baring, intimate and really personal, but I knew I couldn't keep it from him. So after I read it I called him back in, and he read it too. I wanted him to know I had nothing to hide...no secrets. He's a really secure man, but even so he was a little upset.
Facebook has opened the door for a lot of things...good and bad. It gives you the chance to reconnect... to revisit the past, but it can also open a "can of worms" so to speak. What if things were not good in my marriage? What if we were going through a tough spot and this person whom I had this connection with became more than just an online buddy? It happens all the time.
I really am thankful that God protected me by allowing my husband to be looking over my shoulder. To be honest I would not really have wanted to share that letter. I wouldn't want to hurt my husband and bringing up the past can be painful. I probably would have shared it anyway, because I would want him to do the same, but with him there it took away the secrecy and that is the danger in Facebook.
I'd be lying if I said it wasn't flattering and interesting to hear from an old flame, but what I really felt when I saw his name was "danger". I encourage you to evaluate your online friendships. What can start as a casual conversation, can easily turn to flirting and so forth. Would you want your husband looking over your shoulder? Satan would like nothing more than to break up a marriage. Remember he comes to kill, steal and destroy.
Have a blessed day.