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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Truth be told

There are two kinds of people in this world...the private and the open door. I'm definitely an open door. There is just not too much that I won't reveal about myself. My husband on the other hand is more private and I respect that, so for the last several months I have spoken in code. Only giving out tid bits of info regarding our "struggle". Well this week it finally came to a resolution and I have permission to share still my heart:)

My husband has been working on a sinking ship for months and months now. When the economy tanked, so did the company he did taxes for. They are/were a commercial real estate development company. In the boom time they did marvelous, but over the last year or so they have virtually lost everything. Knowing the time was coming, Honey has been diligently seeking other employment opportunities. He started talking with a local head hunter back in April and interviewing with a firm in May. He has gone through countless interviews and homework assignments. For months now we have been on the edge of our seats waiting for a yes or no from them...without the prospect of another opportunity. Meanwhile he got his end date from his current job and the clock started ticking. It has been a major test of our patience and faith. When one week would come to a close another excuse would emerge and at times it seemed just too much. What excuse can they possibly have to delay this any longer??

Then finally he got his/our answer. The offer came! It wasn't what we were hoping for, but it was a job. Thank you Jesus for a job. I know this topic is close to many of you. Finances are tight, jobs are being lost. People are hurting in a way we haven't had to deal with before. Job related stress is a major deal. The fear and panic are real. Many are having to make tough decisions... leaving their families, friends and homes behind. My heart hurts for you. I am so grateful that our answer finally came. God is good. This testing time has been hard. It has taught me to appreciate every little thing. Made me open my eyes to all that I take for granted daily, and that in itself is a huge gift. Thank you so much for all of the prayers and well wishes over the last several months. Prayer really does work!

Have a blessed day.

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