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Sunday, January 22, 2012

completely random

Good morning friends...hope your weekend is going well.  Did you get a crazy cancellation notice from Picnik??  My heart stopped for a second.  I thought they dropped me for some reason, but NO it's worse...they are stopping all together!!   WHAT??  Like seriously I had a little panic attack.  Picnik is how I make my pictures look sort of good.  I'm not techy.  I don't have the patience for Photoshop.  I recently bought Lightroom and I had a friend give me a tutorial recently, but in the back of my mind I knew I had my Picnik safety net to fall back on.  NOW WHAT!??  I hate change.  They didn't really explain what will happen after they close.  It was vague.  Hopefully there will be another option that's as great as Picnik has been.  If you have any suggestions.  Please let me know.  One of my readers sent me this link.  I haven't checked it out yet.  I'll pass it on to you though.

(This is what an unedited picture looks like...yikes!  BTW isn't this the cutest owl hook ever?? It's in my pantry holding all my aprons.  Hobby Lobby baby:))

With Picnik...horrible lighting, lots of noise...not perfect, but better. 

Which brings me to my next frustration....Blogger.  I've gotten many an email from you, saying you can't get on my blog.  That it whites out or you can read it from Google Reader, but can't leave a comment.  This just makes me sad.  I have no idea how to fix it:(   I'm seriously contemplating a big change.  It makes me really scared, but I'm thinking of switching over to Wordpress.  Have any of you done that?  Did you run into problems?  Were your readers still able to find you?  Do you like it?  Help me please!!

Okay enough about techy issues.  Whew...just had to get that off my chest.  We are playing hooky from church today.  Hate that, but Sunday's have become our only day of not running all over creation with this play.  So we had church at home, complete with praise and worship.  Gotta love that.  Honey and I sang all the songs we grew up with.  The girls muttered along, not really knowing the words.  Don't you wish sometimes that they still sang the oldies at church?  Don't get me wrong.  I love contemporary worship, but an occasional hymn warms me to my toes.

This post is so random...sorry.  Okay dream interpreters, this is your chance.  The night before last I dreamed Honey announced we were moving to Chicago.  I woke myself up crying...hysterical that he could be moving us again after we just finally were starting to feel settled here.  Than last night I dreamed he got fired and we packed all of our stuff and went back to Minnesota.  We went to our old house, which is now sold, and while the new owners were out we went inside and made sandwiches.  They came home and we made a mad dash for it...leaving Big Chick inside!  How crazy is that??  I have no idea what's going on.  I've really let Minnesota go.  I'm becoming very content here.  Hmmmm.  Maybe it has to do with those final strings being cut...the house finally selling.  Anyway I'm ready to stop with the nutty dreams.

Have a blessed day.

387.  a day at home
388.  a shiny brand new toaster, that doesn't burn my toast
389.  a renewed desire to create again
390.  blind faith that good things are coming
391.  vacation ideas bubbling in my brain

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