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Saturday, January 15, 2011

keep your head down

This morning I woke up sad.  There really wasn't any rhyme or reason to it.  I don't have anything to be upset about.  I'm not even pmsing, so I can't blame that.  But regardless I cried and I still feel like I could cry some more. 

I've been pushing through some junk lately.  Seems like I'm always doing that.  Not sure if it's tied with the bible study I'm doing or not.  We're reading Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow and this week's lesson was on worry.  I realized much to my surprise that I'm a worrier.  Never really thought of myself like that, but when I started paying attention I realized I "chew" on a lot of little things all day long.  I worry about my weight, my business, my kids, relationships, vacation, approval, the weather etc...  I worry about getting depressed.  I mean seriously that in and of it's self is enough to make you depressed. 

I can be going along just fine in my day and something small will come at me.  I may not even remember what it was specifically, but I'll feel sad or distracted and then I'll remember what it was and I'll realize that it has affected me somehow.  This isn't news to any of you.  I'm sure we all go through this kind of stuff sometimes. 

Lately I've noticed a little voice in my head .  I know it's the Holy Spirit.  In the back of my mind I hear the words "keep your head down".  It comes to me all the time.  And I know it's the Lord telling me to quit looking around...quit getting distracted.  Do what I have called only YOU to do and don't worry about anything else. 

We may not have constant feedback about the life we're living.  There probably isn't someone cheerleading you on as you fix dinner, or as you drive your child back and forth to that event in the middle of the night, or as you share your life with others or try to be a good friend or supportive wife.  We're busy doing doing doing all the time and if you are like me you wonder sometimes does it all matter??  I'm here to tell you it does.  Even if we get "lost" in life sometimes, God is cheerleading you on.  He knows every small thought that crosses your mind.  He knows all the things that make you worry and He wants you to lean on Him, to trust lay it at his feet and have faith that He is the controller of all things.  The verse in my study this week that spoke to me loud and clear was:

1 Peter 5:6-7 (Amplified translation)
Therefore humble yourselves (demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation) under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you.  Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

So I'm listening to that whisper in my spirit.  I'm going to keep my head down and believe that God is working...He's hears me...He knows and He's got my back.  Now that's something to shout about:)

Have a blessed day.

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