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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

bangs & cuffs

Okay you know how you want change, but you're kind of scared to pull the trigger.  I know you get it.  We all feel that way sometimes.  Well I've been in the winter doldrums lately and needed to spice it up.  So instead of a permanent mark like a nose ring or tattoo...I went with BANGS:) 

I was nervous because I've had them before.  We went to Mexico a few years back and the bangs I had were way too short and with the humidity curled up and just looked really bad.  I'll spare you those pictures:) 

So it was with some trepidation that I had my hairgirl Brie pull out the scissors and go to town.  As long as I can get them this straight I think I'm good.  It was just what I needed.  I'm lookin' and feeling my Brie called me.  I can always use some more sass:)

Speaking of sass I'm thinking of making some new stuff for my shop.  I love words...LOVE them.  So when I saw a class that taught me how to make these cool cuffs I was all over it!  They aren't perfect...neither am I, but I've been wearing them nonstop and thought you might like them too.

So what do you think??  Would you buy something like that for yourself or for a gift?  I'm all ears:)

Have a blessed day.

***Oh and since I know you'll ask...that adorable vintage necklace I'm wearing is from here.***
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