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Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Luau

Hi girlies, I hope you all had a terrific Mother's Day. I know I did. My Chick's spoiled me with homemade cards and craft projects, and Honey made us breakfast and lunch! He pulled out all the stops and made BOTH things he knows how to make...eggs and spaghetti. It was a good day indeed:)

I'm winding down with the Hawaii trip pics. I just have maybe one more post after this one. I don't want to say goodbye:(

I thought you might get a kick out of our luau experience. It's obviously a must do while you are there. For the luau I splurged and bought the girls and I leis. They smelled sooo good. Traditionally the leis represent love, respect, reverence, congratulations and welcome. They are given with a kiss. We made sure to do it right and daddy "leid" us with a special kiss:) I also read somewhere that it's a bad omen to leis a pregnant woman...jeopardizes the health of the baby. Who knew?? They have some interesting beliefs.

Normally I do not get in front of people. It's just a fear of mine. But when the hostess invited us to go on stage to learn the hula, I was on my feet in seconds. Don't know what came over me really:) Honey took some goofy pics of me and the girls. I make some really weird faces. What's up with that?

I was so glad the weather was nice for the luau. We were right on the ocean and it can get pretty windy. The weather was pretty cooperative.

A cool part of the luau was the Imu oven. They rub a pig with rock salt and then put it in an underground pit over some heated stones and cover with leaves and such. In 6-8 hours, voila...tender Kahlua pork. Did I mention I love Kahlua pork. YUMMY!!!

One of my favorite parts of the evening was when the hostess said the sweetest blessing over the meal. It really touched my heart and instantly made me feel warm all over. It was just a simple prayer, but it was so unexpected.

performance was really really good. Beautiful dancers, many costume changes and loads of fun for all of us.

was at this part of the evening that it got a little more interesting. The men dancers came out in these loin clothes looked like NOTHING underneath. I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. We were in the front row and they were just a spinning and swinging around. Honey at one point covered Little Chick's eyes. The lady next to me and I were just giggling nervously. It was sooo funny.

ended the night with a fire show. Gotta love that!!!

how tiny her little waist is? I'm thinking hula dancing might be the way to go...HA:) We all left the luau on cloud nine. It was just a magical evening...thoroughly enjoyed this true Hawaiian experience.

Have a blessed day.

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