When Becky told me that she would be going on vacation and asked to me to guest post I was so excited! Of course it got me thinking about how much I love vacation.
I mean, who doesn't love vacation? There is the excitement of taking a break from every day life, sleeping in, spending time with family and friends and one of my favorite past-times... eating.
I suspect vacationing with Becky would be a treat in itself.

Perhaps one of my favorite parts of vacation is the exploring. Oh how I love to explore. It doesn't matter if it's somewhere I've been before or some place new. There are places to go and people to see. These photos are from a little exploring we did on a drive from one town to another in New Zealand.

While driving down the road we noticed a little sign that said Thunder Creek Falls. I can't resist signs like this if we have the time to stop along the way. As we followed the trail thru the trees we could hear the water getting louder.
The anticipation is all part of the fun. What we found was worth the stop. Back home you just don't see waterfalls every day.

Around some trees and down a few steps and we were on the river's edge. I hopped along the rocks to get a look around. What is it about being in nature that is both powerful and calming?
B shoots me a look that says, "Be careful and watch your step." or "Do I need to be down there with you?" or "I just know you are going to fall in." I smile in a way that tells him I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm not sure he believes me.

Fresh, clear water cascades down the front and I'm standing in the mist from the falls. Just thinking back I can still smell it. It's invigorating.
I'm pretty sure the smell and the mist were the invigorating parts. It would have nothing to do with the fact that I did slip off a rock and land in the water. But it was only one leg in and I popped up really quickly. After realizing that B missed it, I shook my leg vigorously, dried myself with a leaf (which does absolutely nothing, FYI) and pretended it never happened.
B, are you reading this?

Further down I can see a patch of calm water. Doesn't it look perfect to take a swim in? This photo has not been edited... the water is just that blue. Gorgeous.

Along the banks are trees and rocks covered in moss. There is life everywhere and I wonder how much I can't even see.
At 30 years old I still completely believe in fairy tales. Being surrounded by so much nature, so untouched by the world around it, always feels a bit magical.

I imagine these little nooks and crannies to be the homes of fairies and other fun creatures.
Now that I think about it, perhaps I shouldn't tell people I just met that I think I might be surrounded by fairies.
Now that I think about it, perhaps I shouldn't tell people I just met that I think I might be surrounded by fairies.

Are you going to have me committed? As I wander back I think to myself that the only thing that would make this better is cupcakes. This would be the perfect place to enjoy a cupcake. It's always a good time for a cupcake. I'll have to include treats in my exploration kit. My kit consists of the essentials: camera, extra memory card, extra battery, lip balm, book, snacks, empty wrappers, pen, paper, sunscreen and lip gloss. You know, everything I would need to survive in the wilderness.

One last peek and we're ready to head into town.
"Be an explorer. The universe is filled with wonder and magical things. " - Flavia
What do you love about vacation?
Written by my favorite foodie and travel extraordinaire Dawn from Spontaneous Clapping:) Thank you for sharing a bit of paradise with us.
This is the last of the guest blogger posts. I am so honored that you girls took the time to post for me while I was gone. Now I have a piece of your lives on my blog forever:) How cool is that?!
Oh and reminder ladies...make sure to sign up for the Island give-away. I'll be back really soon!!!!
Have a blessed day.