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Monday, December 7, 2009

A time such as this!

I just finished the final pages of my Beth Moore bible study on Esther. As I wipe away the tears, my heart is full and overflowing. It's singing a new song. I started this study knowing that God was going to reveal some things to me and He did so beautifully. We are here for a reason. God has given each of us a purpose and He has a plan for our lives. Throughout the study she kept referring to "a time such as this" with Esther's walk and how He used her to deliver the Jews from destruction. It was such a powerful story. We all have a life and yours will go down in history forever. We were each born in this time and hand picked for this journey we are on.

I don't know about you, but in this giant world I sometimes feel small, insignificant and forgotten. The days run together and I struggle with discontentment and boredom. It all feels old and mundane. The last few weeks have especially felt that way. I just feel asleep inside. I even switched sides of the bed with my husband to shake things up a little:)

I want to feel alive. I want a new fresh take on things. I want my life to matter and be more than just about me. Here's the deal though... no matter how I "feel" or what my mind is telling me...God is at work in my life. There are things that are hidden from me...there are times when He is silent. That doesn't mean that he is not working or that he doesn't have great things in store. I was touched by these words:

I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.

I believe in love, even when I do not feel it.

I believe in God, even when He is silent. (Author unknown)

My pages are not finished yet. I can't wait to see how my story will unfold. That realization makes me feel alive and worthy and full of anticipation. If I've learned anything in this was that I was born for a time such as this. There is pure joy in that knowledge.

Have a blessed day.

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