(A card my honey bought for his office this week)
I posted recently about how we are in a holding pattern waiting for our prayers to be answered. Many of you are in the same situation. Waiting, praying and wondering what's to come. The message is becoming loud and clear to me. We are on the verge of a big leap...we are in the middle of it actually. The other side still feels far away as we are suspended in air, but I believe that giant leap of faith is just what God wants us to do.
It's so easy to go through life and never take risks, to keep it safe, but what if God is asking us to stretch, to go out on that limb...to be BRAVE. I know it thrills and excites me to the core. I'm not saying it isn't scary. It's terrifying, but somehow with that lack of a safety net comes an increase in Faith and Trust. I'm pretty sure that is pleasing to our Father. I think He may be trying to teach us all a big lesson.
Have a blessed day.