This weekend we spent doing
yard work. We had 15 yards of
mulch delivered and my honey spent several hours going up and down the steep hills in our back yard moving it all. We were so blessed to have perfect weather.
SO glad he's a hard worker. This would have taken a normal person a few weekends, but he of course killed himself to get it done. Now his back is hurting a little:o
I was the official spreader. Don't cha just love my outfit?:) I had to get prepared!!
In addition to moving and spreading mulch, I spray painted our porch furniture, planted flowers and stained our flower baskets.
My father-in-law made these baskets for us years ago.
They are really special and we put them out every year.
The Chick's and Fergie just chillin'.
I should have given them a shovel and put them to work too:)
We celebrated our hard work by roasting marshmallows and hanging by the fire.
The yard looked all fresh and new. It was momentarily perfect:)
Hope you had a beautiful weekend too.
Have a blessed day!