Someone just wrote and asked me if I'd abandoned my blog🙊 I knew it had been awhile, but looking back it's been SIX MONTHS since my last post. I'm so sorry if you are one of the few who still read blogs. I've transitioned to primarily posting to Instagram @farmgirlpaints because it's just easier and life is so very busy.
And by busy I mean...
Wait for it.....
We've up and sold half of our belongings, our Virginia house and bought a fixer upper on 16 acres online (sight unseen) in rural Tennessee about 30 miles South of Nashville🙌🙌🙌 Say WHAT!!!
Seriously it's the craziest thing we've ever done. I could have blogged a novel about what God has shown us through all of this, but the underlying lesson is GET YO HANDS OFF THE WHEEL AND TRUST. Yelling seemed necessary right then cause we're a little dense sometimes😂 So in a nutshell we made a big move and it's been all sorts of scary and stressful.
The house we bought ended up being a complete money pit. We're on our second contractor. There have been opportunity after opportunity to get discouraged, but our initial freak outs have made way to a strange sort of prone position of peace. We've warred over this property. There have been struggles all along the way, yet with each hurdle He's boosted us up. We feel carried and loved on and RIGHT where we are supposed to be.
So for now we are living in an apartment. The girls started school yesterday, and they are doing SO well. Leaving Virginia was was like trying to crawl out of quick sand. But the transition after we left has been the easiest in the history of EVER. We truly love it here, and are so excited about what God has in store.
I'm writing this on my phone. It's the first blog post I've ever written from my mobile, but that seems easier than sitting at the computer and uploading pics. So the few pics I'm sharing are from Instagram. I hope they turn out. I'll try to do better with updates. As you can imagine a big move, a complete reno and trying to reestablish my shop has been a full time undertaking. Speaking of the shop we are planning a mini open in a week or so, and then our full Holiday open in October as a pre-order sale. Thank you for sticking with me and for being patient through all these transitions. I love you people!!