Lately I've been in a creative funk. I really don't know what's been holding me back, but I've been dragging my feet. There are some insecurity issues and fear of failure I'm sure, but some of it is just pure laziness. I'm kind of embarrassed to even admit that.
We were at a friend's house the other night and he said to me...Do you hear yourself?? You said I wish I would do this or I wish I could be like that. Why don't you just do it?? Well that kind of got me thinking well... why don't I just do it? So the next day I vowed to get some stuff done and finally got all my necklaces photographed and entered into my Etsy store. HUGE accomplishment.
Then I had my friend Kristine over the next day and we sat down and created. Just did it. Didn't really have a plan...just had a quote and then it kind of unfolded from there. And I love the outcome. I'm thinking of doing a whole series of things just like this...smaller canvas size and maybe some jewelry too. It just feels like me!
I think I said to her, "this is so much fun" a dozen times. I normally do my thing alone in the basement and I get lonely. It becomes more like work than fun. Then I dread it. Having a friend there while I painted made it a joy. I need to remember that.
Kristine's got the crafty bug too. She hadn't made anything in ages, so for her to come over and use my Cricut machine and supplies made her day:) Didn't she do an awesome job??
This quote is by Sam Sandquist. And it is exactly what I need to see on a daily basis. I am responsible for this quest of happiness. It has to be a decision and I choose SUNSHINE:)
Okay so I briefly mentioned my store, but if you haven't looked at it yet... go check it out. I can make your necklace say whatever you want. I'm cool like that;)
Have a blessed day.