We have been having glorious weather here lately. Not too hot or too cold...just perfect. So the other day we decided to go on a family bike ride. Don't ya just love my helmet? I look so cool;)
They are redoing a road close to where we live so we explored this new path. Little Chick was able to keep up really well. She just learned how to ride her bike earlier this summer, so we were all really impressed with her ability.
Our reward for making it all the way to Dairy Queen. YUMMY!! I know this kind of contradicts my previous "diet" blog post for this week, but that's why it's called a treat right??
See this right here is why those last 10 pounds won't budge. I keep cheatin'!
My honey's favorite...chocolate ice cream with peanut butter sauce. What's your favorite flavor or summer time treat?
Have a blessed day.
I mentioned using Windows Live Writer the other day. It's been fun to mess with my pictures. I like how you have more options as far as black and white, effects, sizing etc... but your picture doesn't show up with your blog description in your followers sidebar. I think that's an important feature. So except for the occasional post I will probably continue to use Blogger. If any of you know how to remedy this let me know.